Tuesday Strength + Metcon
Tuesday Strength + Metcon
Deadlift (Weight)
Every 3 Min for 12 Min
4 x 4 reps @65-70%
Light to Moderate or 65-70% of your 1RM
4 x 4 reps @65-70%
Light to Moderate or 65-70% of your 1RM
4×6-8 Ring Dips after each set of deadlifts (strict or kipping)
Metcon (Time)
5 Rounds
6 Barbell Power Clean & Jerk 85#/60#
4 Barbell Thrusters 85#/60#
6 Barbell Power Clean & Jerk 85#/60#
4 Barbell Thrusters 85#/60#
Rest 2 Minutes
5 Rounds
6 Barbell Power Clean & Jerk 85#/60#
4 Pistols (2/Side)
Rest 2 Minutes
5 Rounds
6 Barbell Power Clean & Jerk 85#/60#
4 Front Rack Forward Lunges (2/Side)
*record total time in Wodify