CrossFit – Wed, Dec 21
CrossFit – Wed, Dec 21
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
1×5@50% of New TM
1×3@60% of New TM
1×2@70% of New TM
1×1@75% of New TM
1xME@80% of New TM
Target=>8 Reps
New Training Max= Add 5 lbs. for
every rep over 10 performed from
week #3’s ME set @75%
Metcon (Time)
Cal Row
DB Thrusters 2×50/35
Cash-out: 50 Target Burpees
Strict Target 6″ above the athlete’s max reach.
Time is when you finish the burpees
*find a spot on the rig or on a yellow pole