CrossFit – Wed, Feb 1

CrossFit – Wed, Feb 1

Metcon (Time)

Complete the following superset for a total of
5 Rounds:

1A) 1:00 Nose & Toes HS Hold, rest :30
*1 Burpee Penalty for every second athlete comes off the wall
1B) 20 GHD Sit-ups, rest :30

RX+ athletes=add weight for GHD SU

*Nose & Toes HS Hold=Hollow Hold w/heels
against the wall. Time remains the same.

*Use a med ball & the floor to modify GHD SU.

Metcon (Time)

For Time:

30 Cal Row
10 DB Devils Press 2×50/35
20 Cal Row
20 DB Devils Press
10 Cal Row
30 DB Devils Press


Nose & Toes HS Hold=Hollow Hold w/heels
against the wall. Time remains the same.

Use a med ball & the floor to modify GHD SU.