Just Another Manic Monday
Just Another Manic Monday
Just Another Manic Monday
Saturday Community Wod Metcon (AMRAP – Reps) 3 Min AMRAP: 200 M Run Max Effort G2OH@115/75 Rest 1:00 3 Min AMRAP: 200 M Run Max Effort Dumbbell Front Squats@35/25 Rest 1:00 3 Min AMRAP: 200 M Run Max Effort Dumbbell Shoulder Press@35/25 Rest 1:30 6 Min AMRAP: 1 Power Clean @115/75 1 Front Squat 1
HERO WOD FRIDAY Josie (Time) Deputy U.S. Marshal Josie Wells, 27, of Harleston, Mississippi, was killed in the line of duty on March 10, 2015. Wells began his career with the Marshals Service in January 2011 and was assigned to the Southern District of Mississippi in September 2014. For time, wearing a 20-lb. vest: 1-mile
Thursday Strict Press (Weight) Complete a set every 2:00 (First 3 sets are Strict Press Last 3 sets are Push Press) Set 1: 4 Strict Press Set 2: 4 Strict Press Set 3: 4 Strict Press Directly into… Push Press (Weight) Set 4: 6 Push Press Set 5: 6 Push Press Set 6: 6 Push
Warrior Woman Wednesday Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) Core WOD 10:00 AMRAP 20 Russian Twists :30 Hollow Hold 20 Alternating V-Ups :30 Sec Hollow Rocks Rest as needed Nasty Girls (Time) 3 Rounds for time of: 50 Air Squats 7 Muscle-ups 10 Hang Power Cleans, 135# / 95#