CrossFit – Tue, Mar 26

CrossFit – Tue, Mar 26

Metcon (Weight)

Snatch Complex:

1 Snatch First Pull + 1 Snatch High
Pull +1 Snatch +1 Snatch Balance

Begin at 55-65% of 1 RM &
build to a heavy, single for the day.

7×1; Rest 90 secs.

Metcon (Time)

Complete the following for a total time:

Power Snatch 95/65
Burpees Over the Barbell

—Rest 5:00—

Overhead Squat 95/65
Toes 2 Bar

Scale the weight of the barbell as necessary.

L1: Kip Swing to L-Sit
L2: Kip Swing to K2Chest
L3: Hanging Knee Raises