Strength + MetCon
Strength + MetCon Snatch Complex (2 + 1 + 1 x 5) Power Snatch + Hang Snatch + Overhead Squat Every :90sec
Strength + MetCon Snatch Complex (2 + 1 + 1 x 5) Power Snatch + Hang Snatch + Overhead Squat Every :90sec
Monday Madness Metcon (Time) For Time: 1000m Row 100 Double Unders 10 Devils Press 50/35 10 DB Box Step Overs 24/20 800m Row 80 Double Unders 8 Devils Press 8 DB Box Step Overs 600m Row 60 Double Unders 6 Devils Press 6 DB Box Step Overs 400m Row 40 Double Unders 4 Devils Press
Saturday SEVEN’s Community WOD Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) 7 Min Amrap: 10 Wall Ball Shots @20/14 10 Box Jumps @24/20 10 Alt Single Arm Devil Press @35/25 Rest .90sec 7 Min Amrap: 10 Kettle Bell Swings @53/36 10 Kettle Bell Goblet Squats 10 Call Row/Bike/Ski Rest .90sec 7 Min Amrap: 10 Pull-Ups 15
Hero WOD Maupin (Time) 4 Rounds for time of: 800m Run 49 push-ups 49 sit-ups 49 air squats In honor of U.S. Army Staff Sgt. Keith “Matt” Maupin, 24, of Batavia, Ohio, disappeared on April 9, 2004 Warm-up Mobility Cash Out: – 2min Assault Bike/400m Jog/2min Row (Cool down speed) – 20 passes(up/down) BarBell(45) Smashing
Strength + MetCon Split Jerk (5-5-3-3-1-1-1 Every 90sec) Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) 12min AMRAP 10 Front Rack Walking Lunges 95/65 200m Run 10 Overhead Walking Lunges 200m Run 10 Back Rack Walking Lunges 200m Run LvL 3: (75/55) LvL 2: (65/45) LvL 1: (45/35) Warm-up Accessory Cash Out: – 2min Assault Bike/400m Jog/2min