CrossFit – Tue, Oct 18
CrossFit – Tue, Oct 18 Snatch Work (Weight) 5 Sets: 3 TNG Snatches (full) @ 60% of 1 RM Rest 90 secs. b/t sets
CrossFit – Tue, Oct 18 Snatch Work (Weight) 5 Sets: 3 TNG Snatches (full) @ 60% of 1 RM Rest 90 secs. b/t sets
CrossFit – Mon, Oct 17 Metcon (Time) For Time: Row 1,000m 50 ft. HSW 20 Weighted GHD Sit-ups 25/15 Row 800m 50 ft. HSW 15 Weighted GHD SU 25/15 Row 600m 50 ft. HSW 10 Weighted GHD SU 25/10 Row 400m 50 ft. HSW 5 GHD SU 25/10 Row 200m L1: 30 Shoulder Taps (Back-facing
CrossFit – Sat, Oct 15 Partner Wod…Teams of 2! For time (Time) 3rds of: 50 CAL Row/Bike/Ski 42 Weighted Med Ball Sit-ups@20/14 36 Box Jump Overs@2420 24 Shoulder to Over-head@135/95 16 Power Cleans Time Cap 26 Mins One works, one rests! Split evenly. RX+ 155/105 GHD Sit-ups
CrossFit – Fri, Oct 14 Jason (Time) 100 Squats 5 Muscle-ups 75 Squats 10 Muscle-ups 50 Squats 15 Muscle-ups 25 Squats 20 Muscle-ups In honor of S01 (SEAL) Jason Dale Lewis was killed by an IED while conducting combat operations in Southern Baghdad July 6, 2007. LVL1: Jumping MU (make sure you are catching withyour
CrossFit – Thu, Oct 13 Hatch Cycle Week 12B (Weight) “Alternating EMOM: A) Hatch Squats (7 sets) B) AMRAP Strict Ring Dips; Rx+ Weighted Strict RD (6 sets) *The goal here is to be consistent across all sets *Scale-Ring Push-ups without the use of knees or further scale by using knees on the ground Backsquats: