HERO WOD FRIDAY Ralph (Time) 4 Rounds For Time 8 Deadlifts (250/175 lb) 16 Burpees 3 Rope Climbs (15 ft) 600 meter Run In honor of British Army Second Lieutenant Ralph Johnson, 24, of South Africa, was killed on August 1, 2006
HERO WOD FRIDAY Ralph (Time) 4 Rounds For Time 8 Deadlifts (250/175 lb) 16 Burpees 3 Rope Climbs (15 ft) 600 meter Run In honor of British Army Second Lieutenant Ralph Johnson, 24, of South Africa, was killed on August 1, 2006
Thursday Hatch Cycle Week Back Squat Week 8B (Weight) 2×5@65% 3×5@70% Hatch Cycle Front Squat Week 8B (Weight) 4×5@60% Metcon (Time) Descending Ladder 10–>1 C2B PU Deficit HSPU 2" *100m SPRINT on the rower after every round LVL1: Kipping PU/HSPU LVL2: Banded Strict PU/2 Abmat HSPU LVL3: Ring Rows/Strict Push-ups
Wednesday Clean Complex (Weight) 5×1 of the following Clean Complex: 1 Clean+ 1 Front Squat+ 2 Split Jerks Rest 90-120 secs. btwn sets Metcon (Time) 5 RFT: 10 DBL DB Devils Press 55/35 20 DBL DB Suitcase Lunges 55/35 50 ft. HSW LVL1: 50 Shoulder Taps (Nose & Toes HS) LVL2: Accumulate 90 secs in
Tuesday Snatch Work (Weight) EMOM for 10:00 1 Power Snatch+ 1 Snatch+ 1 OHS *Begin the complex at 50% of 1 RM Snatch; increase the load every minute *Record heaviest weight in Wodify Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) 17 AMRAP: 30 Double-unders 20 Wall Ball Shots 20/14 10 Ring Muscle-ups LVL1: Jumping Ring MU+Dip
Monday Hatch Cycle Back Squat Week 8a (Weight) ***DELOAD WEEK*** 1×5@65% 1×5@70% 1×5@75% 1×5@80% Hatch Cycle Front Squat Week 8B (Weight) ***DELOAD WEEK*** 1×5@60% 3×5@65% Metcon (Time) 4 RFT: 400m Barbell Back Rack Carry 95/65 20 Weighted GHD SU 25/15 400m Run 20 Weighted Back Extensions 25/15 LVL1: Bodyweight GHD SU/Back Extension LVL2: GHD SU