Marvelous Monday
Marvelous Monday Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) 20 Min AMRAP 18/15 Cals 8 Back Squats 18 American Swings 35/25# 8 Back Rack Reverse Lunges 200 Meter Run 8 Toes to Bar *RX – 135/95
Marvelous Monday Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) 20 Min AMRAP 18/15 Cals 8 Back Squats 18 American Swings 35/25# 8 Back Rack Reverse Lunges 200 Meter Run 8 Toes to Bar *RX – 135/95
Saturday Partner Wod Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) 20 Min Amrap Teams of two… One person works, one rests 40 Wall Ball shots@20/14 10 Strict Pull-ups 30 Burpee Box Jump Overs@24/20 8 Wall Walks 20 Cal-Row, Ski, Bike 6 Rope Climbs
HERO WOD FRIDAY Metcon (Time) "Cookie" 4 Rounds for Time 43 Elevated Push-Ups (24/20 in) 19 Box Step-Ups (per leg) with Kettlebell (24/20 in, 18 lb) 10 Burpee Pull-Ups 505 meter Row Cash-Out: Exclaim "for the Paratrooper in the Sky" and 1 Elevated Push-Up (24/20 in)
Thursday Strength + Metcon 3 Position Power Snatch (Weight) Take 12 minutes to build to a heavy complex 1 Below the Knee +1 Above the Knee +1 High Hang Metcon (Time) 8 Rounds For Time 8 Devil Forward Lunges 50/35# 16 Box Jump Overs *20 Min Time Cap. ** Devil Lunge = DB in each
Warrior Woman Wednesday Metcon E2MOM x 3 (Every 2nd Minute on the Minute) -10 Ab Roll Outs (Barbell) Metcon (Time) Broken Andi For Time: 40 hang power snatches 40 push press 40 sumo deadlift high pulls 40 front squats 30 hang power snatches 30 push press 30 sumo deadlift high pulls 30 front squats 20